
+7 (7292) 30-89-47


+7 (7273) 17-05-89 


Online tests
Industrial safety Readmore
Safety and labor protection Readmore
Fire technical minimum Readmore
Electrical safety Readmore
Paramedics training Readmore
Working with pressure vessels Readmore
Lifting mechanisms Readmore
Safe Drive Readmore
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)Readmore
Confined space Readmore
Slinger training Readmore
Work with precursors Readmore
Ambulance driver Readmore

The iSafety service is the latest direction in the field of industrial safety and labor protection training.

This service helps to remotely train officials and specialists of enterprises, institutions and organizations on issues of industrial safety and labor protection.

All teaching materials are provided in electronic form. In addition, this curriculum on industrial safety training contains various lecture textbooks, test materials that help not only to learn and consolidate educational material in practice, but also to check with the help of certain test tasks and surveys.

In addition, the electronic version of all training materials allows you to conduct training at any time and in a convenient place. After printing documents or using a tablet computer, you can improve your education almost everywhere, ranging from a coffee break at work and ending with an evening ride in public transport.

Want to use the online platform?

Or call the number: +7 777 191 96 66


iSafety partners